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Monday, September 12, 2011

12 Weeks

Well, little baby B, you are 12 weeks old today (of course only inside me), way to tough it out with me so far!  Your next appointment is next week and hopefully you'll be a little more cooperative with your heartbeat.  Mama's anxiety can't take you being sneaky and becomming a ninja baby.

I suppose from here on out I will start taking belly shots.  I'm not too thrilled about this just because I weigh more now than I ever have in my life, and you big brother really did a number on mama's belly.  I'm sure you will too because we grow strong, big, hearty babies.  I'm fine with that.  You grow as big and healthy as you need to grow so I know you're going to be okay.

You've been giving me some pretty bad headaches, there, baby, along with some morning (evening) sickness.  I guess I can live with this as long as you stay alive in there, because mommy and daddy and big brother need you here with us.  Can you do that for me?  I'll learn to live with this as long as you just promise to live. 

That's really all I have for now baby.

Love you and can't wait to meet you (but not too soon!),

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